"The thoughts, the planning, the fears and intrepidation of even thinking about an anticipated hike. Anyone with a spirit of adventure has these thoughts…..even Explore’s more acclimatised customers!
The two main characters, Bill, determined if not a little apprehensive of such a mammoth project but a spirit of adventure and hopefully, achievement. Not the best organised person for such a challenge, but the kind of guy, despite the dangers out there, prepared to give it a go.
….and now Katz, renewing a long, and perhaps forgotten friendship decides, yes, he’ll give it a go, surely
“ a walk in the woods”. Ill prepared, mentally and physically, overweight , a bit gung-ho, but hey ho go for it.
Friendships on holidays, even with the best will in the world can be taxing, strained and downright irritating.
Some last, some don’t but as always the spirit of adventure prevails.
Not a trip I would undertake but plenty of ideas from Explore brochure to give me my sense of adventure and achievement."