Book Recommendations

Extreme Continental

By Giles Whittell

| 222 pages
1 recommendation
Following nearly a century of Soviet rule, Central Asia, surrounded by Russia, Iran and China, and sealed off by mountain ranges, is comparatively little-known in the West. When the USSR broke up in 1991 the five republics which had been artificially created by the Russians - Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kirghizstan and Kazakhstan - were released and emerged as autonomous entities. They are now accessible to the independent tourist.
Latest recommendations
David Lane
7th Sep 2024
"This is a brilliant and humorous book about Giles' travels through Central Asia off the tourist route in the early 1990s. It's a great pity that Giles has not produced further travel writing, although his books on other subjects, in particular Bridge of Spies are excellent."