Book Recommendations

Pilgrim's Road

By Bettina Selby

| 212 pages
1 recommendation
An account of the author's journey by bicycle to Santiago de Compostela, by way of the medieval pilgrim's trail. Along the way she met many modern-day pilgrims, as well as having to contend with the natural hazards of the terrain, such as thieves and wild dogs.
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Emma James
6th Sep 2024
"Still in my memory from 30 years ago 'Pilgrim's Road: A Journey to Santiago da Compostela remains as a source of inspiration still. As a young woman Bettina Selby's books helped give me the belief that I could travel alone and made me long to do so. Santiago and the Camino remain on my wish list but still have a pull created by this book. Thinking about my favourite travel books made me realise I have never forgotten this one and the magic of it really igniting my passion for travel."