Welcome, Traveller!
Travelling and reading go together like coffee and croissants. When you read a novel set in the destination you're visiting, your adventure takes on a whole new perspective. We've created the Four Corners Book Club to bring together our travellers' favourite travel fiction. Upload your recent literary finds, or browse others' recommendations ahead of your upcoming trip.
What would you like to do today?
From Dublin to Delhi. New York to Nairobi.

Through history, authors have captured the very essence of destinations the world over. With stories as iconic as the landmarks themselves.

When you read a book about a place you’re going to visit your adventure takes on a whole new perspective.

A new light is cast on all you see. Feel. And hear.

When you’ve rubbed shoulders with its people. Laughed and cried as you were drawn deeper into a culture, a history. When you’ve been there in your imagination, something rubs off on you.

Your journey becomes a richer, more meaningful experience.

And who better to recommend these stories than other adventurers, like yourself?

They say a book can take you anywhere. So, take your pick. And away you go.